It is the end of a two week stay with little flower. In some ways it has felt like time has stood still and in others it has flown by way to quickly.
The oddest part of all is that two weeks ago I boarded a plane from the town where I have lived for close to 30 years and today I feel like I am heading back to a place that is no longer my home. In this past two weeks we have shared more then just play time. We have explored more then just new rope ties and toys. We have made memories over the holidays with her family and her boys.
A few new rules have been imposed and we have shared quiet times sitting on the sofa watching movies and time spent in the kitchen cooking meals together. We have sat side by side in the evening writing for our respective blogs and surfing Tumblr. I Was with her through the ups and downs of the release of her new book and talks of the next one.
The one difference in this trip then any of the others is we have set in place a solid plan to work towards bringing us together not only in the same town but under one roof. Like any plan I’m sure it will need adjustment here and there, that tweaking will be necessary. Proof of that was the day before I was to leave to come here the transmission on my car went south leaving me no time to deal with that. Thankfully I have my motorcycle which buys me some time to work that out when I get back.
There are things that need to be done on her end just as there are things needing doing on mine. We have talked about them laid out a list of both our parts and have even set some in motion form here with her help. Little flower will be embarking on a personal project which hopefully in the end will allow her much more freedom and she will be giving me weekly updates on her progress.
For myself this past two weeks has given me a full glimpse of what it is like to be in a 24/7 D/s relationship and it has been a most wonderful feeling for us both.