It is the end of February and the last day of the FebruaryPhotoFest. So many people have joined in and it has been a lot of fun.
To mark the end I decided to look back at our wedding photos from last October.
Our wedding was such a happy time, a wonderful day of celebration and happiness.
I have a wonderful caring partner that I walk on this journey with.
She accepts and loves all of me; the good and the bad.
There is nothing that is hidden from her, I am laid bare before her.
She knows all of my kinks and welcomes them, even the ones that she is the only one who knows.
She knows and accepts things about me that others have turned their backs on me for.
From knowing her and loving her I have become a better person, a stronger person.
Through that I have even become more accepting of myself and who I am, best of all she supports that and me.
We love together
We are friends together
We cry together
We are kinksters together
We fuss together (yes we do that)
We laugh together
Most of all we are stronger and better together.

We celebrate the beginning of a new journey
A big thanks to Molly of Mollys Daily Kiss for hosting the FebruaryPhotoFest2018, it has been an amazing month and so much fun.
Also a big thanks to Kayla Lords for welcoming me into her life, for allowing me to be me and embrace it. Every day I am grateful for what she has given me; her submission, her love, her friendship, and her joy.
Last but not least a big thank you to all the people who visited to look, like, and comment throughout the month.