Soft Touch

Do a search on the Internet for BDSM, Dominance, submission, bondage, etc and you will turn up a plethora of images of a scowling Dom and a submissive being tortured in the most cruelest of ways. Rope work ties so tight it makes you wonder how they can stand it even for a few moments.Even… Read More »


I’ve been feeling a bit nostalgic this morning and earlier today this song popped into my head. It’s been rolling around up there all morning. I remember when the song came out on the album Everybody Knows This is Nowhere. Driving down the road listening to it on my 8-track. Yes I did say 8-track… Read More »


Everyone has walls to some degree; vanilla, submissive, or even Dominant they are there. What varies is the measure of how high and how thick they can be. I even have a fairly good understanding of why submissives build walls…they have to some degree been hurt in ways that most could never begin to understand.… Read More »

Daily intentions ReBlog Great Idea!

Daily intentions ReBlog Great Idea!. Came across this at littlekaninchen’s blog. The thought of making every day count resonated with me, seems she reblogged it from but I couldn’t find the original post so I am reblogging it from the bedroomsubmissive. Well worth the read.

Today I lost a good friend

After lunch today I received a call, I knew the number when it came up on the ID and I couldn’t figure out why as they never call me at work. A good friend of mine passed away of a heart attack, the thing that made it even harder and unbelievable is he was only… Read More »


All of us have dreams, aspirations, and hopes;  big or small those dreams mean something to each and every one of us. Those dreams we nurture and hopefully watch them grow. Sometimes they grow in leaps and bounds other times slowly over time almost unnoticed they sprout. There is another side to that. There are… Read More »